Silverthorne Seismic, LLC

North Scoop 3D Grady, Garvin, Stephens & Carter Counties, OK


Press Release: North Scoop 3D

January 27, 2017, North Scoop 3D

Affiliates of Silverthorne Seismic, LLC have completed the acquisition of a large multi-client 3D seismic project located in the heart of Oklahoma’s SCOOP play. The North Scoop 3D was shot by Dawson Geophysical for Silverthorne from April to December 2015. Anticipated delivery of PSTM data is slated for mid-February 2017. The North Scoop 3D is believed to be the largest onshore domestic 3D underway in 2016 with over 26,000 channels. Permitting on the project was done by Goldstar Land Services, and project QC was performed by Precision Data Acquisition, Inc. The project, which covers 390 square miles, will provide high-resolution seismic imaging over one of the most active exploration areas in the U.S. 

Silverthorne Seismic, LLC and its partner Wilson Geophysical, Inc. have been active in the seismic brokerage, management, and acquisition business since 1978. With the acquisition of the North Scoop 3D, Silverthorne Seismic, LLC now owns over 1,000 square miles of 3D Seismic in the Continental United States and brokers additional data. Silverthorne is a technical leader in seismic data acquisition, brokerage, management, and forensics.

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